About Jim Plaxco and the Artsnova Digital Art Gallery

Hello, I'm Jim Plaxco and Artsnova is the sole propritorship I created to serve as a business platform for marketing and selling my art, photography, presentations, web consulting services, and writings.

In addition to the information you'll find about me here on artsnova.com, you can learn about my other activities by reading my biography page at the National Space Society as well some older information about me on my NASA JPL Solar System Ambassadors page. Please note that these other activities are separate from my work here at Artsnova and that biographies about me that appear on third party websites should not be taken as endorsements of my business activities.

To learn more about me, my art, the presentations I give, and various other services I offer, please choose from the relevant articles listed below.

Artist StatementAn artist statement describing my artistic philosophy and experiential background in digital art.
Art LecturesInformation about the presentations, lectures, and classes I offer.
Art CommissionsInformation on commissioning artwork for business and/or personal use.
Licensing ArtInformation about licensing my art and photography for commercial use.
Web Consulting ServicesInformation about the web consulting services I provide.
Press ReleasesNews and press releases issued for certain events.
Social MediaMy social networking activities and what platforms I am on.
CopyrightsThe copyrights associated with my art and photography.
Art and Photography NewsletterSubscribe to the Artsnova Digital Art and Photography monthly newsletter.
Contact InfoHow to contact me.

Jim Plaxco in front of space shuttle Endeavour under construction
A photo of Jim Plaxco standing in front of the Space Shuttle Endeavour while it was under construction at the Rockwell Palmdale facility in California, May 1990.

The most important tool the digital artist has at his disposal is the undo button.

Jim Plaxco