Portrait Gallery Added To Artsnova

Eye of Barack Obama Painted Algorithmically
The Right Eye of Barack Obama Painted Algorithmically

At long last I have finally added a Portrait Gallery to my Artsnova web site. The motivation was the creation of two new portraits using an algorithmic method that I created. This method is a result of my beginning to think about the human face algorithmically as a result of entering the “We Humans” art contest.Two of the five portraits in the gallery – How Do I Look? and I See It In Your Eyes – were created in 2006. The other three portraits:

were created this year. I digitally painted Femme Fatale back during the winter. Perhaps that is why “white” is so prominent in the image. I must say that this is my favorite of the five.

As to my algorithmic digital paintings of John McCain and Barack Obama, these were produced by a full blown version of a program I created and which I wrote about in Algorithmic Portrait Painting Technique.

As a point of interest, the portrait of John McCain consists of 2,620,202 individual brush strokes. Now no one in their right mind would ever count brush strokes but this is a trivial task for a computer. The brush strokes are not evident in the web versions of the paintings. For that reason I include a full size segment of each picture that can be accessed from their respective gallery pages. A portion of the Obama segment is shown above.

If you look closely at the portrait segments of the John McCain and Barack Obama paintings you will see that the two don't look quite the same. This is because I used a different variant of the program to create each one. In fact I may never use those two programs again. I will most likely create new versions for each new piece I do in the future. Why? Because the exploratory process of creating something new should not be confined to just the image.

So pay a visit to my Portrait Gallery Index and let me know what you think. And remember what Michelangelo said: “A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.”

Ad Astra, Jim

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